Software Release Notes
Latitude ERP
Highlights for release L2.20.16 Include:A/P new option (ARCRGen) in to auto-generate matching A/R document | page 15 |
A/P cheque & wire transfer integrationfor EFT transactionsthroughScotia Bank | page 23 |
D/M new replenishment calculations using weighted average | page 40 |
S/O new validations on carrier “type” added in S/O and S/W | page 70 |
S/O newsuggested next functionalityby product groups | page 73 |
I/M changes to “location” option for Product setup& new auto allocation fields by customer | page 98 |
S/Oemail notification when pick is short shipped | page 103 |
S/Oinquiry in Latitude for “staged”status of picks in Pinpoint | page 116 |
Pinpoint WMS
Highlights for release L2.20.12 Include:
New serialized pallet receiving mode has resulted in changes to the way label printing works in all receiving functions |
Admin type privileges will allow designated users to select their own tasks types without Operator Setup changes |
Paging system to help find misplaced equipment |
Changes to suggested locations for putaways |
Receiving Worksheet changes to support the use of RW documents and RW batches in Latitude |
Bulk Order Approve changes |
Default order release values can now be set by carrier |
Enhances searching capabilities for the Ship Address field |
More product identifiers can now be seen on the Task Management window |
Python shipping users will now see “Notes” from picking documents on printed Packing Manifests |
Several Latitude changes (mostly from version L2.20.05) that impact Pinpoint users have also been included in this release |
Apero Trax Release Notes
A/P: supp.rename.load function for renaming batches of suppliers | Page 5 |
A/P: Batch auto email functionality for A/P cheque stubs | Page 5 |
A/R: cust.rename.load function for renaming batches of customers | Page 7 |
C/M: Additional columns added to the excel output of commission.reg | Page 7 |
S/O: New parameter for setting Currency-ID when using Reprice option | Page 8 |