Release Notes Highlights

Latitude / Engage L2.20.28 - Highlights

  • I/M overflow bins for RW products – new load function
  • P/O add the ability to update product initial-cost when PO is approved
  • S/O set ready-to-pick field by province table

Latitude / Engage L2.20.26 + L2.20.27 - Highlights

Release 26 was “rolled into” release 27 so there are no publishable separate release notes for L2.20.26 for Latitude. Engage did not have any publishable release notes for L2.20.26.

S/O customer surcharge - percent of invoice

In this release a new "Surcharge" (Surcharges) help list option has been added to the function credit.term to allow users to set surcharge records up based on the credit term associated with a customer.

Apero product documentation knowledge library updates

Several changes / major upgrades have happened to the site in the last 2 months.

  • Historical Latitude content: has been “refreshed” (outdated images have been updated and a lot of the content) and republished, and a few additional documents have been added. Note: document content is not fully “caught up to” release notes as yet (but we’re still working on it!).
  • Reports: have all been updated inside the documentation and additional standalone documents have been created to give you details on all reports - by module - see Reports - About.
  • Parameter lists inside documentation: the outdated (giant) parameter lists at the end of the main module specific documents have been removed.
    • A link to the “Parameters - About” has been added to the “About this document” section at the beginning of large documents for easy access.
    • Topic / context specific parameters have been left inside the documentation with their topics.
    • Updated parameter files have been published for you, by module and by type (customer, operator, supplier etc.) - see Parameters - About. This will ensure that when a parameter changes globally there will be one source of that information. They will be updated and republished when new release notes have been completed.
  • Several “About” pages have been created for modules and major topics - that link to all the related documentation to create a “one stop shopping” per module / topic - see “About - Everything!”
  • A “Site Tour” video (13 minutes of good stuff!) has been added to help users navigate, search and use this site (located at the end of the top navigation bar).

Pinpoint WMS Release 38.01 – Highlights

For facilities with high line counts on outbound picks, a new option for filtering active orders will allow you to see only the lines that are not yet complete. No more scrolling through 300+ lines to find the one that isn’t finished!

Request Engine changes have been made to allow better use of cross-dock locations.

Custom requests added:

  • support the printing of multiple different types of packing slips per shipment
  • allow more copy/paste functionality in ShipXpress
  • add a stage_mask field for optional use on RF Picking labels

Optionally restrict the ability to pack LPs and their contents onto pallets.

Bug fixes to ShipXpress LP hospitalization and “Return to Stock” functionality.

This version contains several items that required changes in Pinpoint, Latitude and ShipXpress, or at least two of the three. As a result, the classification of features has not been as “cut and dried” as in previous releases. For the sake of clarity each new feature has been described in one place in this document.

  • RF display of “spec codes” to receivers
  • The addition of MSDS functionality to Pinpoint
  • The optional use of cists on inbound stock adjustments from Pinpoint
  • Passing of LP numbers and LP structure back to Latitude

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